Monday 15 August 2011

Supergirl Revisited

It all started with Super Heroes and great wicked baddies with their henchmen. I'll touch on these thoughts and ramblings as I go. Enjoy!
Superman to me was a character that was sooo impossible to defeat that it became pointless. All superheros to me needed a fault or weakness to make them interesting, hence the whole kryptonite deal I suppose.
In 'SuperGirl Revisited' I have her strung up over... sure you guessed it.. kryptonite lava. After all I am Elwin the 'GRIM'.
I remember reading from a site that deals with damsels in distress, I won't say who 'cause I love his work, but he claimed that without a gag it wasn't bondage. I disagree. I used SuperGirl's whole face to get the expression just right.

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