Sunday, 18 September 2011

80s... or the bigger the hair the closer to God.

The 80s.. where to start? Yes it was the land of big hair, squared shoulder pads, more make-up than a clown car could hold, the mini skirt came back and nylons were still mandatory as part of the look.
I think the 80's at first was only an extension of where the 70's left off but ended abruptly on December the 8th 1980 when Lennon was shot. It took on new avenues at that point I think. I digress...
By mid '83 I had finished high school and hit the road full time and coast to coast as a lighting director for recording acts ( I shall not name drop as this is not relevant ). These tours that lasted four years brought me into contact with people out on the town for a good time every night and the ladies were tip top, unlike the overly casual flip flop wearing crew in the bars today. TV and movies got better, the cop shows were in full swing and so was sit com television. Obviously for me I only saw what I saw from a hotel TV or much later in syndication. Stephanie Powers was back looking better than ever since her April Dancer days.. bigger hair, classier clothes and finding peril every so often with elegant sophistication. Other highbrow shows like Dallas even got in on it. TJ Hooker had Heather Locklear, Fall Guy had Heather Thomas which is where we finally get to see Erin Grey get the treatment albeit brief. Simon and Simon tied ladies up like buzzards on a picnic. My all time fave had to be Stephanie Kramer in Hunter. Her character and the studio's wardrobe made her the poster girl for 80s look... never mind that she often had her cover blown and the bad guys grabbed her. There were guest characters that got the business as well. Even Matlock for the tea toddler set had a very well groomed Nancy Stafford... she once got captured and tied by two baddies and I'm not so sure she was acting when one put his hand on her silky knee.. she looked like she was going to be sick. Movies that stand out too included 'Big Trouble in Little China' with Kim Cattrel and along the same theme in I think the same year...'The Perils of Gwendoline' with Tawny Kitean. This as you may know was a watered down live action version of John Willie's 50's comic serial and bondage studies. I'll  throw in a Willie-esque tribute sometime. Oh and now that Gene Simmons of KISS has finally agreed to marry Shannon Tweed, it has to have mention here of her series of bodice ripper movies that came around in the day... seems the gall likes to be tied up... Gene, why din't ya say 'I do' a long time ago? I 'am so glad I lived in the 80's and got to witness such fun....
The final pic I made like many others but I think captures the 80's feel. I guess I'm a product of that time and my illustrations may all reflect an 80's look. I don't apologize.      El.

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