Saturday, 11 February 2012

Pulp Covers and the Art Critic

Growing up you get influenced don't you? Sometimes when the chemicals in your brain get formed and the wiring gets crossed, you wind up, if your lucky with a good solid fetish or two. Maybe three if you are a multi-tasker. My influences have been mentioned, but there's more....
Being an avid reader and art lover as a teen, I would peruse used book stores..  and in the magazine sections you'd stumble on pulp fiction and men's magazines of yester-year. Here I'd find wonderful bits of art that proved to me that I wasn't alone... They before me did this stuff because it sold... and then I found out about John Willie and then Irving Klaw... well, well. Granddad... had a fetish too it seems.
Here we can see fine examples done before the art became a cover and then the final.
Later however, we discover an art critic in our midst.... and she must be dealt with... perhaps a nice box tie and a room with a view.
'The Art Critic'